Parent Volunteers
Mount Waverley Primary School is committed to implementing and following practices which protect
the safety and wellbeing of children and our staff and volunteers. Mount Waverley Primary School
also recognises the valuable contribution that volunteers provide to our school community and the
work that we do.
The procedures set out below are designed to ensure that Mount Waverley Primary School’s
volunteers are suitable to work with children and are well-placed to make a positive contribution to
our school community.
Becoming a Volunteer
Members of our school community who would like to volunteer are encouraged to approach their
child’s class teacher or speak to staff at the school office.
Considering our legal obligations, and our commitment to ensuring that Mount Waverley Primary
School is a child safe environment, we will require volunteers to obtain a WWC Clearance and produce
their valid card to school the office for verification.
Training and Induction
Under the Child Safe Standards volunteers must have an appropriate induction and training in child
safety and wellbeing.
To support us to maintain a child safe environment, before engaging in any work where children are
present or reasonable likely to be present, volunteers must familiarise themselves with the following child safety policies, procedures and code of conduct referred to in our Child Safety Induction Pack and ensure the actions and requirements in these documents are followed when volunteering for our school.
Volunteers also need to read the Child Safe Standards Volunteers Training and sign a copy of the MWPS Child Safe Code of Conduct (hard copies are available at the front office).
Child Safe Standards Volunteer Training
MWPS Child Safety Induction Pack 2022
MWPS Child Safe Code of Conduct
Parent Helpers (Reading) Induction
© 2021 Mount Waverley Primary School