The Peer Mediation Training Program teaches Year 6 students to help resolve minor conflict. Mediation opens up communication channels enabling students who are having a disagreement to discuss their problems and come to a resolution with the guidance of a trained Year 6 School Leader. Yard duty teachers and our Year 6 teachers support Peer Mediators in their role.
Year 6 Leaders learn inter-personal skills and negotiation strategies. In the Peer Mediation training students learn about body language, active listening and clarifying, respecting points of view, empathy, asking open ended questions and brainstorming ideas. They also learn how to assist in finding solutions to low level conflict like name calling, misunderstandings around rules of a game, arguments and friendship issues.
The Peer Mediation Program has been successfully implemented at MWPS over many years. It has contributed to the development of a positive, safe, caring and friendly school environment. Peer Mediation can assist in the prevention of unfair play, exclusion, teasing and bullying in the school yard.
Peer Mediation is an opportunity for our Year 6 students to become true leaders within the school and as such positive role models to younger members of MWPS. Students who choose to participate in this program, do so on a voluntary basis, thus putting their ‘student voice and agency’ to practise.
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